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Circular Dorking Schools Awareness Days Collections
- We are so happy to be working with Circular Dorking to help schools find books to suit their curriculum needs.
- Via their schools’ page, Circular Dorking are signposting resources to make life easier for schools.
- Below you will find books to suit learning about current key topics like sustainability and conservation which we have built around popular awareness days.
- We have collated books for specific days like Earth Day and Global Recycling Day but these books can be used year round.
- Whether you need fiction or non-fiction to suit your classroom learning or school libraries please browse below for new books and popular favourites that help both students and schools understand and work towards being more sustainable.
- If you cannot find quite what you are looking for below, please do get in touch. Our showroom team can create you a bespoke list to fit the subject/s, age range/s and bu
- dget you require.
- All the books below are discounted for schools.